LOT Blog
Read and be Motivated
Here is a collection of blog posts designed to get you thinking about your own productivity and success.
Writing a Semester Reflection
Every semester (i.e. Fall, Spring, and Summer) in graduate school (and now into my postdoctoral position) I’ve written a semester reflection. This simple exercise is one of the most helpful things I do to round out the semester and start a new one feeling fresh and motivated. Here is my process for semester reflection!
The Power of Being Different
Identifying as queer was a breakthrough for me understanding the power of being different. While I’ve always experienced feeling different than my peers, I didn’t always know what to do with that feeling outside of standing in that truth. But being queer was radical for my thinking because part of the beauty of being queer is that all of the gender categories that people assume are in sync (sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, etc) simply aren’t. Instead, I got to *choose* how I wanted to be.
When 95% Done isn’t DONE
For what do you giving yourself credit? For starting a task or for completing them? When it comes to goals, the joy should not be placed on the journey but on the completion of the task. To do otherwise is to risk making progress on many things but never complete anything.
What makes me happy?
The LOT Planner has a space to write down "What makes you happy". Do you wonder why this page was included?
What is the LOT Planner, really?
The Life on Track planner, or LOT for short, is meant to be an all-in-one planner for your personal and professional needs. There are four main themes around which I developed my planner, all of which come together to help me be as productive as possible.
Start your journey
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